Sweep Rt is an offensive 8 on 8 flag football play from Base Flag which is a basic Starting Line up This play is authored by Baumann. For free 4 on 4 football plays or to see this play in action head over to footballplaysnow.com.
Storm 1

Spread pass with 4 receivers out wide and the center running a route underneath. Storm 1 is an offensive 8 on 8 flag football play from Shotgun Balanced Twins Wide which is a balanced formation with two sets of WR mirroring positions across the center line. WRs lined up wide. This play is authored by […]
Tempest 2 Stack
4 WRs pass from stacks Tempest 2 Stack is an offensive 8 on 8 flag football play from Shotgun Balanced Twins Tight Stack which is a balanced formation with two sets of WR in stack formation mirroring positions across the center line. WRs lined up tight. This play is authored by Rex Harpastum. For football […]